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September 2024: Ai For Alpha Team won the best paper award at the ECMLPKDD workshop Midas in Vilnius.

Proud to announce that Ai For Alpha, led by Baptiste Lefort in collaboration with CentraleSupélec, has won the Best Paper Award at ECMLPKDD 2024 MIDAS workshop for the second time!

May 2024: Baptiste Lefort's AI Research Accepted at the 40th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI 2024).

Baptiste Lefort presented an equity market investment strategy, enhanced by sentiment analysis of text data at the 40th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI 2024).

February 2024: Baptiste Lefort's AI Research Accepted at the 17th Financial Risks International Forum.

Our research on the link between market sentiment and equity returns has been accepted at the 17th Financial Risks International Forum. This discovery enables investors to use AI for more informed decision-making: "Can ChatGPT Compute Trustworthy Sentiment Scores from Bloomberg Market Wraps?".

February 2024: Alain Pitous, a member of our team at Ai For Alpha, has been invited on InvestisseurTV.

We're delighted to announce that Alain Pitous, a member of our team at Ai For Alpha, has been invited on InvestisseurTV to talk about "Artificial intelligence will change the world ... starting with financial services and asset management!"

November 2023: We are delighted to welcome Baptiste Lefort to our team.

We welcome one of the top graduates from Université Paris Dauphine - PSL's prestigious IASD master's program to our team! He'll be starting a Ph.D. at CentraleSupélec on "NLP Analysis on the Impact of News and Its Cascading Effects on Financial Markets."

July 2023: Paris, July 20, 2023, Ai for Alpha releases Financial News Decoding with Large Language Models.

At Ai For Alpha, we leverage state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing technologies, prompt engineering from OpenAI, and advanced Google searches to decode financial news.

July 2023: Ai For Alpha Team is accepted to the ECMLPKDD workshop LIDTA in Turin.

Ai For Alpha and LAMSADE (Université Paris Dauphine) team presents its research paper entitled : FSDA: Tackling Tail-Event Analysis in Imbalanced Time Series Data with Feature Selection and Data Augmentation.

July 2023: Ai For Alpha Team is accepted to the ECMLPKDD workshop Midas in Turin.

Ai For Alpha Team presents its research paper entitled : Comparing Deep RL and Traditional Financial Portfolio Methods. The paper deals with a comparative analysis between traditional portfolio allocation methods and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to maximize risk-return profiles.

June 2023: Ai For Alpha receives the Women Tech EU Award.

Ai For Alpha is honoured to announce that it has received the Women TechEU Award 2023, It is the sole French Fintech company among the winners” says Beatrice Guez.

June 2023: "Machine learning for strcutured products, discover the new interview of Béatrice Guez by SRP.

Beatrice Guez had the pleasure to be interviewed by SRP to deal with Ai in structured products.

June 2023: Béatrice Guez attending the 2023 Societe Generale quant conference in NYC.

Beatrice Guez had the pleasure to engage in the workshop on applied investment approaches at the 2023 Societe Generale Quant Conference.

June 2023: "Mettre de l'IA dans la finance", discover the new interview of Béatrice Guez by La jaune et La Rouge, the magazine of École Polytechnique's alumni.

Beatrice Guez had the pleasure to be interviewed by La Jaune et La Rouge to deal with Ai in finance.

March 2023: Eric Benhamou attending to MathFinance AG Conference 2023 in Frankfurt on March 13/14.

Eric Benhamou from Ai For Alpha participate in the 2023 MathFinance conference to present his latest work on machine learning applied to portfolio allocation.

January 2023: Les samouraïs du business, new podcast from Le Cercle des CEO Français and Ai For Alpha.

Beatrice Guez had the pleasure to be invited to the microphone of Yannick Robert, founder of club of French CEOs to discuss tools to identify the different biases of the many investment strategies delivered by the market
Click here to listen to the podcast

December 2022: New PhD within the team

We are very proud of our collaborator David Saltiel who successfully obtained his PhD in reinforcement learning in computer science on Wednesday 7 December 2022 !

October 2022: Ai For Alpha is proud to win the start-up award at the AM TECHDAY 2022.

We are proud to receive this strong recognition from l’Agefi, demonstrating our willingness to deliver the best to our clients. Thank you for this nice recognition!

September 2022: Ai For Alpha is invited by Bloomberg to present investment solutions in the current context of stagflation.

In the current context of inflationary environment, Central Banks and politicians no longer have any way to control the financial markets. Our conclusion is that momentum strategies are the best adapted. Ai CTA Strategy leverages the performance of macro trend strategies with 30% YTD performance.

May 2022: Ai For Alpha and Artificial Inteligence Asset Management combine their expertise to manage the AI GLOBAL MACRO SCSp fund.

The asset management company Artificial Inteligence Asset Management has appointed Ai For Alpha to develop an allocation model for different asset classes: equity indices, commodities and VIX. Ai For Alpha acts as the Fund's asset allocation advisor and provides allocation recommendations via proprietary artificial intelligence software.
Download the pdf

January 2022: Ai For Alpha's research partnership with LOIM has produced some notable works leading to two forthcoming publications in distinguished journals and the Best Paper Award at the 2021 MIDAS/ECML-PKDD conference.

Ai For Alpha's research partnership with LOIM has produced some notable works on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and gradient boosting decision trees (GBDT) to rely on adaptive machine learning methods to take the typical regime changes of volatility into account. These works have leaded to great outcomes including two forthcoming publications in distinguished journals and the Best Paper Award at the 2021 MIDAS/ECML-PKDD conference.

January 2022: After one year of live implementation with prominent investors, discover the performances of our Tactical Equity strategy (allocation on 7 major global indices).

This ML-based methodology leverages market, financial and macro-economic data to anticipate regime changes and explain model allocations.

August 2021: Ai For Alpha is proud to have been selected by EIT Digital in its Innovation program to promote technology champions in Digital Finance

Ai For Alpha has been selected by EIT Digital in its Innovation program to promote technology champions in Digital Finance.

October 2021: Intervention of Jean-Jacques Ohana on BFM Business.

"Comment accueillir le rapport sur l'emploi américain du mois de septembre ?".
Find the interview of Jean Jacques Ohana on BFM BUSINESS by Guillaume Sommerer.

September 2021: Ai For Alpha set up a Gender Equality Plan to promote diversity.

We decided in agreement with all the teams to launch a GENDER EQUALITY PLAN. This was realized in accordance with the values of the company and our CEO Beatrice Guez. Gender equality is an essential thing at Ai For Alpha. We are convinced that women bring diversity in terms of team spirit, organization, intuition and client relationship. We believe that promoting gender diversity and inclusion is a good practice and helps growing the company. We are one of the rare fintechs to have been founded by a woman and with nearly 50% of women today.

September 2021: Ai For Alpha is proud to have been selected by Societe Generale Global Markets Incubator.

GLOBAL MARKETS INCUBATOR’S launches its fourth promotion.

September 2021: Ai For Alpha is very proud to receive the Best Paper Award from ECML-PKDD MIDAS (MIning DAta for financial applicationS) 2021 Workshop.

Ai For Alpha received best paper award on work on Adaptive Supervised Learning for Volatility Targeting models.

August 2021: Intervention of Jean-Jacques Ohana from Homa Capital on BFM Business.

Jean-Jacques Ohana from Homa Capital gives us his expertise on financial market.

July 2021: Ai For Alpha fund raising with renowned business angels in the finance industry.

Ai For Alpha is proud to announce the closing of its first fund raising with renowned business angels in the finance industry.

May 2021: Participation of Ai For Alpha to the 3rd International Workshop on EXplainable and TRAnsparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS 2021).

Ai For Alpha presented work on Explainable AI (XAI) models applied to the multi-agent environment of financial markets.

May 2021: Participation of Ai For Alpha to ALA 2021 - Workshop at AAMAS 2021.

Ai For Alpha presented work on Adaptive learning for financial markets mixing model-based and model-free RL.

May 2021: Participation of Ai For Alpha to the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS).

Ai For Alpha presented work on Explainable AI Models of Stock Crashes: A Machine-Learning Explanation of the Covid March 2020 Equity Meltdown.


In collaboration with Société Générale, Eric Benhamou, David Saltiel and Sandrine Ungari attended the panel session on FINTECHS and INVESTMENTS as speaker about Bridging the Gap Between Markowitz Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning.

March 2021: Participation of Ai For Alpha to a webinar organized by Finance Innovation.

Ai For Alpha is hosting the webinar Comment améliorer ses décisions de gestion grâce à l'IA? organized by Finance Innovation.

March 2021: Intervention of Jean-Jacques Ohana from Homa Capital on BFM Business.

Jean-Jacques Ohana from Homa Capital presents Ai For Alpha solution to detect bubbles on stock market.

March 2021: Collaboration between Ai For Alpha and Homa Capital to write a note on Covid bubble.

Ai for Alpha and the management company Homa Capital have joined forces on a research project to shed light on developments in the equity markets .

February 2021: Webinar finance-innovation Ai For Alpha

Participation of Beatrice Guez From Ai For ALpha to the webinar organized by Vincent Lapadu-Hargues fom FINANCE-INNOVATION about "Sécurisation dynamique de vos actifs en temps de crise et importance de l'allocation". .

February 2021: The AAAI-21 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Data in Financial Services

In collaboration with Société Générale, Eric Benhamou,David Saltiel and Sandrine Ungari attended the workshop as speaker about Knowledge discovery with Deep RL for selecting financial hedges. .

October 2020: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)

In collaboration with Société Générale, David Saltiel attended the workshop as speaker about Bridging the gap between Markowitz planning and deep reinforcement learning. .

October 2020: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)

In collaboration with Société Générale, David Saltiel attended the workshop as speaker on Timing Hedges with Deep Reinforcement Learning. .

October 2020: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN).

David Saltiel spoke on work about similarities between policy gradient methods in reinforcement and supervised learning .

September 2020: European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-PKDD, MIDAS workshop).

David Saltiel attended the workshop on MIning DAta for financial applicationS (MIDAS) as speaker on Trade Selection with Supervised Learning and OCA .

September 2020: European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-PKDD)

Ai For Alpha presented our joined work with Homa Capital on using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for portfolio allocation at the premier European machine learning and data mining conference.

May 2020: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO).

Ai For Alpha's data scientist, David Saltiel, attends the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) as speaker on work about Bayesian version of CMA-ES .

May 2020: Ai for Alpha receives the Fintech Label by Finance Innovation.

The Finance Innovation Label was awarded by the competitive cluster Finance Innovation in Paris.

March 2019: 12th Financial Risks International Forum

David Saltiel, attended the 12th Financial Risks International Forum as speaker on work about Trade Selection with Supervised Learning and OCA.